Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Getting to know my students

We're still just getting to know our students.  The beginning of the year is a time to set the tone for the rest of the year.  We've been going over lots of classroom procedures, expected organizational techniques, and community (classroom) norms.  At the beginning of the year I also like writing personal narratives so we can each get to know each other better.  Poems are also a fun way to get to know the students better.  At the beginning of the year, there are several parents who proactively come to us to talk about their children's learning styles, preferences, and difficulties.  It's nice to get to know our students' families this way.

Students' families here often employ drivers to take the kids to and from school and nannies.  Sometimes the drivers and nannies seem to be the primary contact points when parents are out of country for long periods of time.  It's not uncommon to hear students speaking fondly of "my driver" or "my nanny."  I just had a meeting this afternoon with a parent and their child's live-in governess (stress on the last syllable, please!).  Yeah, you might want to click that hyperlink to read what that is because it's not that common nowadays.  I wonder if this year I'm going to start hearing stories about what "my governess" did.

image sourced from the internet

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